Join us for Medway Porchfest on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 12-6pm (Rain date: Sunday, September 29th)
Registration deadline: August 15th
Hosts and Porch Owners:
Do you have a porch, patio, yard, or driveway that could host a performance? Read on to learn more and then sign up here! The registration deadline is August 15th.

Medway Porchfest Host FAQs:

What is Porchfest?
Porchfest is a grassroots music festival where local musicians perform on the porches or yards of homes throughout town. It originated as a way to showcase local talent, foster neighborhood connections, and create a festive atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.
Where does Medway Porchfest take place?
Medway Porchfest will be happening at the Medway Community Farm and other various porches and yards around town. An interactive map will be available on our website closer to the event to help showcase performances and locations.
I’m interested in hosting. What would that entail?
Thank you for your interest in hosting Porchfest performers! We kindly ask that all hosts commit to doing the following:
  • Provide adequate space for performers and guests (can be on a porch, patio, yard, or driveway)
  • Provide access to electricity for performers, including extension cords if needed
  • Reach out to neighbors before the event to let them know what to expect, help boost attendance, and avoid complaints about noise or parking
  • Promote the event to your friends, neighbors, and family members to help ensure a great turnout! The Porchfest Committee will provide you with a free “Porchfest Host” yard sign, event flyers, and social media posts for easy sharing.
  • Communicate with your slated performers prior to the event to coordinate logistics (what time they plan to arrive, what electrical access they need, etc.) You will receive their contact info once the schedule has been finalized in early September.
  • Be home during the time that musicians are performing on your property. Welcome the band upon arrival and be a gracious host to festival attendees.
  • Be ready to rock out and support your performers!

The following is suggested but not required
  • Provide water for performers
  • Provide a trash/recycling bin for guests
  • Snap some photos during your hosted event to share with the Porchfest Committee for possible use on social media or future advertising
How long will the band be performing on my porch?
Medway Porchfest will run from 11am to 6pm, but performance times will vary by site. Please reach out to the planning committee at with any specific timing requests or limitations. We anticipate that most sites will host 1-3 bands for several hours, but some will host for more or less time. We will be sure to confirm all proposed performance times with hosts and bands prior to publishing the schedule.
How will bands and porches be assigned?
Some bands and porches will be pre-assigned if specific preferences were indicated on the registration form. Otherwise, we will do our best to match bands to porches based on preferred times and/or music styles. Registration closes on August 15th; all bands and hosts will be notified of the schedule by early to mid September.
I’m a musician. Can I play on my own porch?
Definitely! Please register separately as both a host and a performer and indicate your own band/address to ensure a match.
Do I have to provide refreshments?
We’d appreciate it if you could make water available to musicians, but it’s not required. Anything else you offer is up to you.
Do I need to provide bathrooms for the attendees?
No, but have a plan on how to direct your guests. It would be helpful for performers to be able to access a restroom if needed, but this is completely at your discretion. Porchfest is an outdoor event and inside access to any part of your home is not expected. Portable toilets will be available at the Medway Community Farm.
How will folks know that my porch is hosting music on September 28?
We will be providing each host site with a yard sign advertising the event, hopefully beginning in early August. (If you do NOT want a sign for any reason, please email us to let us know.) We will also be providing lots of information on our website, including maps with a schedule, and on social media (on Instagram @medwayporchfest and Facebook @ Medway Porchfest). We’re counting on you to help promote the event, as well!
What if it rains?
We’ve planned a rain date of Sunday, September 29 and will make a call about whether this is necessary by 6pm on Friday, September 27th. We will notify you by email and update our social media pages, as well.
Can I decorate? Can my kids set up a lemonade stand?
Absolutely! Anything you want to do to make your porch/yard a fun place to be is welcome. We just ask that you don’t block any sidewalks.
What’s the fine print?
We hope you have a great time at Porchfest. By agreeing to perform, host, volunteer and/or attend Porchfest, you also agree to participate at your own risk (not that we are anticipating any issues). You agree to hold performers, hosts, volunteers, and/or organizers free of any claim for damages in the event of accident, injury, or disappointment.
Whom should I contact with other questions?
Please email the Medway Porchfest committee at Thanks!
Thank you to our fellow Porchfest Committees in Malden, Franklin, and Somerville for providing the helpful FAQs on which this page is modeled.