Join us for Medway Porchfest on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 12-6pm (Rain date: Sunday, September 29th)
Registration deadline: August 15th
* Teen groups are eligible for late registration

Performers: Do you play an instrument or sing? Have a band or choral group? Read on to learn more and then sign up to perform at Medway Porchfest here!

Medway Porchfest Performer Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Porchfest?
Porchfest is a grassroots music festival where local musicians perform on the porches or yards of homes throughout town. It originated as a way to showcase local talent, foster neighborhood connections, and create a festive atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.
Where does Medway Porchfest take place?
Medway Porchfest will be happening at the Medway Community Farm and other various porches and yards around town. An interactive map will be available on our website closer to the event to help showcase performances and locations.
What kind of groups can perform?
Any and all are invited! You can play solo or with a group; with instruments or acapella. Any type of music is welcome. We especially encourage student groups to participate.
Do I need to be from Medway to perform?
Nope! You’ll just need to find your way here.
How will bands and porches be assigned?
Some bands and porches will be pre-assigned if specific preferences were indicated on the registration form. Otherwise, we will do our best to match bands to porches based on preferred times and/or music styles. Registration closes on September 1st; all bands will be notified of the schedule and their assigned location by Monday, September 15th.
I live in Medway and want to perform. Can I play on my own porch?
Definitely! Please register separately as both a host and a performer and indicate your own band/address to ensure a match.
Will I be paid?
Porchfest is a free music festival. Organizers, performers, and porch hosts are not compensated and are freely giving their time and talent. We hope you will earn many new fans and followers after the event, though!
How long can I play for?
Performance times can range anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your indicated registration preference and site availability. We will do our best to accommodate all performance time requests and include adequate time for set up and break down in the schedule.
Should I bring my own equipment?
Yes! Porch hosts will provide access to electrical outlets but not equipment. (The one exception might be at the Medway Community Farm, as that is the tentative staging site for student groups). You’ll need to discuss logistics with your host before the performance date. We will email you with contact information for your host once a porch assignment has been made and provide your info to them, as well. You are also welcome to coordinate with any other performers that will be at your site, as sharing equipment/setups could be a possibility. If you have questions or concerns about equipment access, please reach out to us at and we will be happy to try and help.
What about parking?
Most host sites are located in neighborhoods or residential streets so should have easy and plentiful access to street parking.
Is there a rain date?
Yes, in the event the Saturday, September 28th date is rained out, Medway Porchfest will be moved to Sunday, September 29th. Should we need to change to the rain date, we will notify all hosts and performers via email and social media by 6:00 pm on Friday, September 27th.
How will people know about my performance?
The Medway Porchfest committee will be getting the word out through social media and our website. We will also be providing porch hosts with yard signs to advertise the event and have asked them to promote it to neighbors, friends, and coworkers. You are encouraged to do the same! Anything you can do to promote your performance is recommended.
What’s the fine print?
We hope you have a great time at Porchfest. By agreeing to perform, host, volunteer and/or attend Porchfest, you also agree to participate at your own risk (not that we are anticipating any issues). You agree to hold performers, hosts, volunteers, and/or organizers free of any claim for damages in the event of accident, injury, or disappointment.
Whom should I contact with other questions?
Please email the Medway Porchfest committee at Thanks!
Thank you to our fellow Porchfest Committees in Malden, Franklin, and Somerville for providing the helpful FAQs on which this page is modeled.